Ringing in the New Year at Echo Bluff State Park

JANUARY 1, 2023

The ExplorUS staff loves a good challenge, when we can roll up our sleeves and get to work, and we did just that in the wee hours of New Year’s Day at Echo Bluff State Park in southern Missouri.

The State of Missouri awarded the company a concession contract for lodging, food and beverage, retail, bike rentals, and event services at this busy park. With a start date of Jan. 1, our transition team had their work cut out for them to turn over operations from the previous concessionaire without a disruption in visitor services.

Echo Bluff State Park visitors had high expectations for a full calendar of holiday events, and combined with 100% occupancy in the lodge, we knew the takeover had to be swift and organized. Our team worked tirelessly and rang in the New Year on-site to make the Echo Bluff State Park concession transition seamless and hugely successful.

Working with our agency partners, ExplorUS has successfully transitioned operations at nearly 30 locations in just the past decade.
